Tuesday, April 22, 2008

in bloom part 3

nasturtiums that i grew from seed, i don't think i'm in love with this variety though, i'll have to try a different one next year--or a few different ones. you just can't have too many nasturtiums!

foxglove, i did not grow this but it is one of my very favorite things...

i'll have to go outside and check the tag on this one. i got it in austin and had seen it several times in different gardening magazines--it looks like something right out of a dr. seuss story--i love them, little eyeballs.

i am curious as to what different people call this, i usually refer to it as strawberry begonia

and my yesterday, today and tomorrow. i love these, a great old fashioned plant. i can't wait til it gets big and covers up the ugly electric box on the side of my house!


Linda O'Neill said...

Call anything Dr. Seuss'ish and I'll like it! That really is a cool flower...that eyeball thingie.

Beautiful pics, Laura!

Anonymous said...

We call that plant strawberry begonia up here in Maine, too. But here, it is a houseplant.

I can't believe you have yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Just found it yesterday in my new book of wildflowers from the americas (that one, south) and thought what a lovely name it had.

Anonymous said...

What an exciting yet relaxing area around your home with all these lovely plants. After seeing all the varieties and colors you're growing, I believe I will throw in some color between my green and white plants!