Wednesday, August 8, 2007

My best buds

Since things in the garden are very sad looking right now, with the exception of my newly blooming red morning glory, it is time to introduce my pals who keep me entertained during the day.
sam is 16 years old, loves to play with string, is snuggly when hungry and loves my husband.
fern and hazel, my two new babies, love to play and sleep together and are trying to befriend sam, who is finally relenting--a little. fern is my shadow and loves to be cuddled and purrs when i look in her direction. hazel, my sleek black beauty, is a little more independent but loves her special petting time and sleeps on the very top tier of her six foot tall cat tower. she never tires of chasing her long tail--and i never tire of laughing at her doing it. i don't know what i would do without them.

1 comment:

kate said...

Oh, that is incredible. My cat Hazel, died last year at 17. She was pure white ... my son and I have a corner in the garden that is our place to remember her.